
Monday, March 14, 2005

My family salvation!

*Pls read below blog before this.

Just want to continue testifying on the good news that my sister came to know the Lord years after I came to know the Lord! Ha… my sister was so skeptical then. She was so logical and will ask so many questions about Christ!

But prayers work! My sister finally came to know the Lord and gave her life to Jesus! Hallejulah…… she is still serving the Lord faithfully now!

To be continued……………

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My testimony of why and how I come to know my Lord

There are many things that we want to share with others. Our happiness, our problems, hopefully people can empathize with us.. etc.

Life is so short... every second passes by just like that. Every year goes by without stopping for anyone. That is why we must always treasure our loved ones, always do good, always remember what are the important things in life.

Life has has a purpose. Life is not about fulfilling our goals, dream or vision. Life starts with God and life only has purpose when we know His will for our life.

I am currently reading the book "Purpose driven life". Will need another 37 days to finish this book!

What I want to share with you today is not about my goals, dream or even my purpose in life.
I want to share how I come to know Jesus and why I’m still trusting in Him today! :)

I come from a Taoist family. I can still remember the many food that my mom will lay on the table and we will knee down to pray to the gods on the first day of Chinese new year (I think so). My mom used to pray to "tuoa pei gong".

I remember when I was still a small girl (5 years old), there was this one night that I couldn't sleep. I kept having this thought. "Where does man come from? I came from mom, mom came from grandma, grandma came from grand grandma... then where does grand grand grand grand grandma came from???"
Because of this one thought, I couldn't sleep at all........ I was really puzzled and wanted to know the answer. I ask my mom... but she couldn't seem to answer too. It was a strange dream/thought to me then.... i never really told anyone about this.

Since young, I have always love Christmas... Christmas is so fun... Santa Claus, rainy season, presents! My brothers love Christmas too! Didn't know why whenever I passed by churches, I have this urge and curiosity to go in... Churches look really peaceful and holy!

Then this one day, when I was in Secondary 3, I told my mom, "Mom, I want to go to church on Christmas. Must be very nice." Didn't know why but my mom told my Auntie Jasmine and Auntie Jasmine happened to be a Christian.

It was in June 1996 when my Auntie invited us to her church (Trinity)for a musical drama. My brother Jimmy and myself went. The drama was really impressive... the lightings, singing and sound effects.. the story theme was so interesting! It doesn't really look like a church and we felt odd at first. The worship songs were so joyful and I still remember my auntie was there singing with her clapping her hands "God is good, God is good! ... " hahaa......... she really was enjoying and really joyful!

At the end of the drama, we went to the altar to accept Jesus into our hearts. Being very rebellious and stubborn, my brother and myself went to a room with some Christian Counselor to attend to us. But there, we started to get suspicious and we then started to question them about this whole theory of receiving Jesus into our lives.

After which, we did not do to church again. We are like lost sheep.. wandering in lives on our own. After sometimes, my brother got connected to some Christians from Trinity Christian Center who were studying at NTU too. Heard from my brother that they were so nice! And soon, my brother was quite involved in church. After some times, I remembered one day, my bro talked to me. He told me about God and tried to ask me to go for service. Then a gal connected me from the Youth ministry. I went to service with her. She was soooo nice! She makes sure i was comfortable at church and introduce friends to me. She was always there for me and will hug me... even though I felt weird at first.... hahaa......

I went to church and began to study the bible on my own. When I read the bible, I applied everything to my life. Not because I want to please anyone but because in my heart, I just want to obey God and know that it's good and right. I still remember "love my enemy" and I really love everyone from my heart... even when I was accused, mistreated, I love them.... and God is good... He always sees that because of my heart to love, he will turn the situation around and my enemy ultimately love me back! Amazing!!! I remember I will always pray for my exams and I never fail any exam till now! Many times, I did better than I thought I could. God help me all the way. I remember my faith is like a child. I trust in my God like a child would trust his dad.

Well, Christian life is not all a bed of roses and we all suffer some setbacks once a while. There will always be lies, accusations and troubles along the way. As a young Christian, I went through that too. But God is good, He never let me go. When I am attempted to be led astray or to leave church, God always send people to bring me back to Him.

One scene I will never forget. My brother Jimmy is getting baptized! My mom is always so supportive! Even though she wasn’t a Christian then, she never persecuted us for going to church. (Water baptism is a ceremony whereby the person is totally immerged into water and out to declare his/her faith in Jesus. To publicly say that he/she will follow Jesus! Water in and out demonstrates a new life in Christ. The old has gone and the new has come”)

My mom prepared the towels for him and we all went to support him. There I saw my bro Jimmy standing in front of a crowd, saying his testimony. At the end of his speech, he said in Mandarin, “Thank you mom, thanks for coming and being so supportive. Just want to say that God loves you and I hope that you will experience God’s love one day. I love you mom.”

There, I saw a new man, I saw a new creation. My bro Jimmy has changed! Jimmy used to be a hot-tempered person, always flaring up and beat me up few times before. He cursed too. Thank God for the change in him! Hallelujah!!! I looked at my mom and sister, my tears were swelling up… I felt my heart softened. There, I see Jesus’ love and power that are able to transform lives. I felt God’s love and presence so strong that day!

Since then, I became more involved in Church and slowly I began to understand the love of Christ towards me! I love God and when I worship, I put up my hands to sing to my Lord. Not out of obligation but out of a heart that realize the true Love that only God can bring.

I started to bring my friends to church too. I told myself that I must let all my good friends know about this good news! The love of Christ! I can’t keep it to myself. I make sure all my GOOD friends are invited to church at least once! I want to see them coming to know the Lord not because I want to please God with it. But because I love them and want them good! Some friends come to my church and praise God, some of them receive Christ! The joy of seeing them come to know the Lord is indescribable. My heart jumps and rejoices that one soul is saved!

I know that becoming a Christian doesn’t make my problems go away. But I know that someone who LOVE me so much is there to help me through it all! I couldn’t help but cry when I thought of God’s love for me.

16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

God love me and you so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that anyone who believe in Him can have life and life eternally!

Praise the Lord! Praise God for His mercy and grace.

Mercy -à to not give us something that we deserve
Grace -à to give us something we don’t deserve

Whenever there are setbacks and problems, I will still trust in my Lord. He has given me HOPE in every situation and problems. I will not give up in my faith because I have taste the goodness of Christ! I see my life… as nothing until Christ came in and make it meaningful. I hope you will find Him like I do. God bless you abundantly! Amen!